
time seems to have escaped my fingers, and the days blew like the wind into weeks which turned into months now...

so like pen to paper, my fingers hit the keys, comfortably, yet my mind is starting to race with all the things that have taken place since i've last written. a lot has happened and yet possibly not? maybe in the grand scheme of things, this has only been a minor pace in which life has changed and passed by... but in the daily moments a lot has taken place. *sigh*


science of fear

How is it that our souls prevail throughout the hardships of humanity?

How one person can make the difference to another, and affect the moments of many?

How inside the spirit of oneself is kindness, compassion, love & warmth- yet actions can come out so skewed and twisted?

How is it that life is beautifully painful and painfully beautiful at the same time?

I would do it all over again...



you cannot change your past,
and your present is already in motion,
all you can do is make the choices that shape your future...
for the better,
the brighter,
the beautiful.

trs' 11

interesting what you learn about yourself when you're living life on life's terms. i am continually amazed... and grateful for change & growth. for without change & growth what is the point, life becomes stagnant and you stop learning.

there is always something to learn, you just need to be open to the lesson.


I am a fool...


conversations with bug

Ro and i went for a walk around the neighborhood the other night:

Ro: "COME ON MOM, come on..."
Me: "where we going bug?"
Ro: "come on, come on mom (she grabs my hand and tugs) look mom, toys!"
Me: "oh, yes they have toys in their yard, but we can't use them honey... they aren't ours."
Ro: "why? Roen share with momma! i share mom."

the next day in the car driving down the highway:

Me: "WHAT! a snake? where Ro?"
Ro: "snake mom, see.... (Ro holds up her arm and wiggles her pointer finger)"
Me: "haha, your arm is a snake?"
Ro: "yea mom, LOOK (pointing to her wrist and wiggling her pointer finger) a BIG, BIG snake!"
Me: "WOW! that is a BIG snake Ro"
Ro: "momma NO touch, wild snake! no touch mom!"
Me: "ok, i won't touch your wild snake (laughing at this point)
Ro: "Ro tattoo of snake mom... tattoo like momma please!"

this morning on the way to daycare:

Ro: "momma meatballs!"
Me: "what about meatballs?"
Ro: (singing) momma and Roen meatballs, la la la (mumble, mumble) meatballs"
Me: "Ro & mom are meatballs?"
Ro: "YEAH MEATBALLS! (singing again) momma & Roen meatballs!"
(I have never given Ro meatballs! haha)



it's a wicked good day!!!

love days like today when i'm in a great mood, regardless what else is going on in life... i'm making a choice to be happy today dangnabit- guess what, it's working!



i lie awake most nights thinking, letting my mind sift through thoughts & feeling that get caught in the cobwebs & corners. been sitting outside a lot at night once Ro is in bed, when the dusk sets in and silence falls into the atmosphere (as much as it can in the city), just listening to the wind rustle through the trees and the occasional neighbor playing guitar outside. it helps calm me down and helps me remember the simpler things that make sense and bring contentment in all the madness & chaos going on.


Saint Theresa

i am named after Saint Theresa. Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little
Ways, meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with
great love.... She is represented by roses.

Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that
has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to
sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.



silence is the stillness of the earth
as the wind rustles through the trees
thoughts and feelings escape
picked up and carried away
leaving peace to fill the soul
trs' 2011



Time beside me, it is truly at test of virtue. I paused for a week or so to watch the crazy imagery of colors circling the sky in emerald and auburn. Beyond all the complexity and intertwining colors above me (so perfectly settled in the atmosphere)…it all seems so simple and beautiful, freeing almost. Tic, tic, tock, tic, tic, tock… Does anything this raspy voice I hear, tell me the truth? I create, each and every waking day something of substance, for my heart to rest in the melodies of the madness that play alongside the rumble of tires on pavement and my thumb tapping the steering wheel. Meeting myself somewhere… somewhere in the distance, the clouds carry on, on with their conversation. I chase the blackness of tar ever drawn out into the horizon, and roll on…

When one is pulled in numerous directions do they not detach? Some days it feels like there is so much going on (inside me and all around me)… that I feel like a string puppet waiting for the next move of the master puppeteer in the sky to guide me as to where to go. Everyday things surround me in a muddle. Internally, I cringe not knowing where to begin, this mass pile of emotion has built up and enmeshed itself with my innards, making a simple move difficult or doubtful. Things seem to appear so differently on the outer surface... I try to appear put together, that mostly things are in order, when the truth sits at my side, patiently awaiting its turn. Life, my life isn’t a nice bow-tied package all tidy and clean cut... it’s a cluster. A mixture of interlocked emotions, scenarios, music notes, faces, words, and memories (good and bad)... life is life. I expect nothing more and nothing less of it. 04'

why is it...
do I still do what is already known
outcomes of reason
possibilities of logic
sail away within my day
never knowing
always growing
ever changing
constant imagery before my eyes
awareness into the depths of my core
white breath
once again repeat 04'

Sideways from Sunday, I breathe in simplicity.
Conversations held mask deep rooted emotions.
Gravity settles on my chest and I feel safe crying beneath the rain.
Emptiness and nothingness do not come without a price tag.
I talk with the stars for comfort as the moon escapes my fingertips.
My heart and its contents entwine, creating a web spun from the contents of my life.
Time quickly passes and clocks remain frozen still.
Images of beauty fill wasted space inside my imagination.
Echoes in my laughter bring tears of bliss that roll down my cheek.
A gentle embracing whisper pulls me awake.
I remember… remember the voice that loves me.04'

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence 04'

Simple things make me, make my days brighter and help me slow down in the middle of the busier side of life that I have become accustom too. When I was out yesterday I noticed some of the simpler things that easily get overlooked in the hustle and shuffle of everyday. The sound of children playing, the way grass feels on bare feet, picking an old dandelion and blowing the seeds off into the wind, smiling and saying ‘hi’ to people in passing. I walked down the alley to the park near my apt. last night and came across a single painted daisy growing out of a crack in the pavement. I stopped and studied it, contemplated going to get my camera to capture it but then decided to keep it to myself and started walking again and placed the solo daisy in my place of feel goods and memories. 04'

Inexperienced minds (souls) think they have the upper hand, passing out pain to those unknowing… only to speak of honesty and trust. I laugh. Honesty and trust? I have yet to meet someone other than a close friend or family member who will say what they mean and mean what they say. I find that rather sad, and it grieves me for the future. If people cannot be honest and trustworthy then what are we left and what is going to happen with future generations taught? Will we become a society based on corrupt souls who survive off each other and what we can gain from other people? 05'

Quote by William James – “I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big successes. I am for those tiny, invisible loving human forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillaries.”

I have a song that I keep listening too, in excess. It reaches into my being and clutches the dreamer inside me… stirring my wanderlust (which I try so hard to keep at bay). Yearning to be somewhere else, for something else… not knowing why, what or where precisely, but in the meantime I’m overcome with a sense of inner peace. 05'

Imagine a stargazing vision of growing wings. Beautiful, elegant wings so that you might fly free. Soaring into the unknown world of dreams, hopes, beliefs, and wishes only to realize that you were truly free to begin with. It's the choices, and decisions that you make daily that hinder you feeling to be free and fly. Never forget the feeling of soaring in the world, with the wind gently blowing at your face, the lightness you feel in your toes and your carefree stature...because you are flying free with wings that you imagined for yourself. 05'


wind through the willow

in the wee hours of the night pondering what the lesson is in all this, the last yr of my life. am i happy? yes! have the pain, tears & heartache been without reward? no, i have reaped so many benefits from this, even if it doesn't feel like it at times- i know in my heart i have. i am happy (most days), content and free. i am myself again, and that is an amazing feeling. it's been quiet the journey back to discovering myself again. funny the things you promise or barter with the spirits out there if you could only crawl back into yourself- maybe a little bruised and banged up, but not broken. i will never give up who i am again or allow someone to tear me down & strip me of who i am to fit 'their' mold. nothing is that important that you need to lose yourself for another. there is always compromise, flexibility and mtg halfway. ppl can't change ppl, just accept & love them as they are- that is all anyone can ask. to be loved, cared for, accepted for who they truly are unconditionally.


there's a reason i said i'd be happy alone.
it wasn't cause i thought i'd be happy alone.
it was because i thought if i loved someone,
and then it fell apart...
i might not make it.

it's easier to be alone
because what if you learn that you need love,
and then you don't have it.

what if you like it and lean on it
what if you shape your life around it
and then it falls apart...
or does it?




you sent me to the brink last night...

sadly, i've known that conversation has been a long time in the making, and that it would happen sooner or later. i wasn't prepared for it to be last night, but i don't think i could have ever been able to prepare for what you said.

i'm letting go of you, of this false image of what you should have been in my life, cause in reality, you are just a man. you gave me life and i thank you for that, but it ends there.

see i had a father, an amazing dad (who stepped up when he didn't have to, but wanted too), who i miss everyday dearly! he was the one i needed in my life, to show me beauty, love, compassion, strength and humility to live and occasionally, to fall down, pick myself up and take on life again, unafraid.

i say goodbye, this isn't healthy and i've been through too much in my young life to allow you to treat me the way you did last night, again! i have spent endless time and energy trying to figure out where i went wrong... here's the thing it took last night to open my eyes, it wasn't & isn't me nor my fault. i was an infant, you chose to leave. i stood up to you finally, and am not going to feel guilty anymore for your choices that you made that affected our relationship.

i said what i needed to say last night. i made my 'peace' with the reality of our relationship, there is none... and now, now i let you go and move forward, putting one foot in front of the other, breathing and knowing that this didn't break me. does it hurt, yea... but pain fades and all things heal with time & patience.

i am still me, with or without you.


blood is not always thicker...

just because we are blood, does NOT make you family!

is unconditional.
is love.
is respect.
is care.
is strength.
is belief.
is there for you.

... too little, too late.

i made it this far in my life without you, and like who i am! i'm tired of the guilt trips you lay down, the truth is you left me when i was 3 days old. that was your choice.

i had an amazing father, who loved me for me, unconditionally. who was there, believed in me and stood by my side throughout my life. i was blessed-n-lucky to have had him in my life for the time i did & will forever be grateful.


the middle

i am not the person i once was,
and i am not the person i will be.
i am somewhere in the middle,
the middle of being me.

trs 11'


Eyes wide open

I picked up my camera again, it's been a long time. Felt good, like crawling back into a part of myself I let go of. Through the lens I like how I can skew the view of the world into raw images, amazing how comfortable I became within a few clicks of the shutter. Letting go of the anger, frustration, fear and regrets/remorse. I am not innocent in all this, I know I caused pain and let pain be placed upon me... But I'm not 'damaged goods' and I try to forgive everyday, sometime multiple times a day. Anger is wasted energy on me, I want to put my energy into positives, healing and being myself again. So far so good, somedays are worse than others and somedays are beautiful, but as long as I can move forward I will be ok. I have the most supportive family & friends I could ask for, they have truly loved me where I am at and believe in me. I cannot ask for more in them for they have been everything that I have needed, even if I didn't want it. In situations like this you find out quickly who has your back unconditionally and who you can let go of. Sides were chosen, as I expected and that is ok. I have let go of wanting to know why? I don't need or get to know, I have accepted this. Realizations aren't always easy to face and can be painful to get through, but no one said life was easy and that everything you need would be handed to you... It isn't. I have to put in the work to heal myself and be me again, it isn't going to just happen. This journey has been difficult to say the least, but the more I move forward the
more I like what I am discovering and reconnecting with myself. A lot of tears, anger, resentments but there also been a lot of love, laughter and healing thus far. The heart, mind and soul of an individual are strong and if given the opportunity can pull through just about anything if belief and faith in oneself is present, even in the smallest amount... It will grow and flourish. No one can bring or give me happiness, that is for me to find again, which I am and it is extremely beautiful. No one is in charge of my happiness or my life, this is all on me and I am grateful for the strength I have to get through this and have come across some amazing realizations and discoveries that have helped me heal tremendously. I like being back in my skin again, in charge of my life, well being and happiness instead of just going through the motions and being 'there' but checked out. People can add to my happiness and make me laugh and remember this is all temporary as long as I keep moving forward and forgive. I like me again, I love life again and damn I missed laughing, feels so good to laugh- it's such a good release!


the road not taken by robert frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


look at us, running around, always rushed, always late, guess that's why they call it the human race. what we crave most in this world is connection. and for some people it happens at first sight, it's when you know, you know. it's fate working its magic and that's great for them. they get to live in a pop song & ride the express train. but that's not the way it really works. for the rest of us, it's a less bit romantic, it's complicated, it's messy, it's about horrible timing and fumbled opportunities and not being able to say what you need to say, when you need to say it.

look at us, running around, always rushed, always late, guess that's why they call it the human race. but sometimes it slows down enough where all the pieces fall into place. fate works it magic, and you're connected.

every once in awhile amid all the randomness, something unexpected happens and it pushes us forward.

-the switch


'you keep on knockin' but you can't come in'

keep trying you aren't going to break me,
i'm stronger than you ever gave me credit for.



brightly it burns, steady and straight
but with change it struggles, flickering back and forth wildly
struggling to regain its composure, its strength
searching for the common ground, between itself and outside forces
a constant battle against things out of its control
offering all it can, while simply holding onto itself
burning brightly until it is no more


1 can change everything

there are 6 billion people in the world, 6 billion souls.

and sometimes, just sometimes...

all you need is 1.


beauty in the beakdown

when life feels unjust
and the heart weighs heavy
tears flow freely
cleansing the soul
quivering lips and trembling shoulders
yearning for the release
to wash away pain & fear
and breathe in hope and belief
to let go completely...

there is beauty in the breakdown.


e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)




please take a hiatus... i need a break.

thank you.



what is it that makes us perceive things the way we do and other things differently. and how have the experiences in our lives changed our perceptions, ideal, values, morals and beliefs of things negatively or positively? and what constitutes it being a negative or positive change, if there is any change at all? doesn't it all boil down to self perception and perceptions of the world around us in our own opinion?


nobody said it was easy

we all have our flaws
... our burdens to bear
... and pain to endure

but none of that is without the knowledge there is more out there.

we all want true happiness
... to love fully without hesitation
... and to fulfill our souls

to be ones self completely without reservations & knowing that being yourself is exactly what we all need and want. getting there is another journey, and nobody said it would be easy.


shel silverstein

Tell Me - by Shel Silverstein

Tell me I'm clever,
Tell me I'm kind,
Tell me I'm talented,
Tell me I'm cute,
Tell me I'm sensitive,
Graceful and wise,
Tell me I'm perfect -
But tell me the truth.


Ations- by Shel Silverstein

If we meet and I say, "Hi,"
That's a salutation.
If you ask me how I feel,
That's consideration
If we stop and talk a while,
That's a conversation.
If we understand each other,
That's communication.
If we argue, scream and fight,
That's an altercation.
If we later apologize,
That's reconciliation.
If we help each other home,
That's cooperation.
And all these ations added up
Make civilization.

(And if I say this is a wonderful poem,
Is that exaggeration?)


heart you

to dream as if you've never experienced pain
to laugh as if its the beginning
to cry as if its your last

live as if you are new to life,
to see all without hesitation and doubt,
moving forward putting one foot in front of the other,
knowing that this is the right action regardless the direction

gentle whispers among endless spoken words,
soak into my heart... making a place for themselves, its calming.
knowing the power that the simplest things have is scary, but worthwhile
believing in things that i have not grasped or touched, the moment itself seems forever away... but the belief is there


beastie boys -'sabatoge' as loud as i can handle... either that or smack the stupid out of someone!


Bugga' turns 2!!!

Happy Birthday,
Roen Marley!

You are the light of my life, the apple of my eye... my heart!

I cannot imagine life without you, you are such a wild card (wonder where you got it ;). I adore every moment with you!

Love you Bugga', so much!


unexplainable & i believe...

there are things that happen in life that are unexplainable.
the reasons why are not always the answers we thought we needed...
sometimes its the journey that it takes us on, the pain, the healing, the unexplainable.

there are days i don't ask why, i don't want to know why. i need to trust that i am where i need to be & that i'm headed in the right direction to where i am going... even if i get a little lost along the way (its the journey).

i believe...
in myself (most days).
in the better of humanity.
that people get lost withing themselves and struggle at times to find a way back.
in karma.
being grateful is good place to start.
people intend to do good in this world, but things get messed up along the way.
my life will all work out... even if i don't know the outcome.
my daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
that there is more for me out there than what i currently have.
in love.
in truth & honesty, that it really can set you free.
majority of people are more selfless than selfish, even if it doesn't feel like it.
in positive attitude.
life is what you make it.
what you put out into this world is what you get back.
sometimes good people have bad shit happen for no reason.
in romance.
all things heal in time.
a good cry can be healing.
in my family & friends.
people make things to complicated at times.