
random writing and poems

Ahhis this the other end of my brain (said the spider to the fly)? Though you may be sleeping, and I am awake the world may be a bit off-centered, but I have fairy dust faith in saying that we will surely overcorrect the damage done, with enthusiasm adventures awaiting you and I, or me and you, (a.e.i.o.u and sometimes why?) in the midst of the maze only to be had with caf o mania and cackles o plenty protruding from bellies beyond anything anyone is even knowledgeable of thus, my associate wake and we shall tread on the world in style leaving no doors to barricade our wanderlust vision. The Ghostbusters are creeping closer and closer but have yet to find me (safely wedged in my cubicle). Shhhh, its a secret, do not tell them where I am located. I beg of you, youre forefathers and the voices (in your head, or was it mine) for the being of my safety harness is in jeopardy!!! It was a close call yesterday, phew! They were clinging to my exhaust pipe on my sleek black samurai Hummer honda, while I trailed up hwy 52 home but I got em, I got em good too! A teardrop on the dark side of the moon life I live, strumming along with my tires on the pavement for this is one wild hwy I travel. Some days it feels more like a wave coaster, but sadly I think this only when I am stuck in auto pilot for the sea monkeys have invaded my common sense and all is lost to the unknown of King Kong and his endless growing infatuation with lima beans. I will eat you alive, I mumble.

Silver clouds create pressure on the air which I breathe
Small stints of comedic relief wither and wane
Undeviating reminders of unpleasing times
Wasting time over things which will never be
Darkness holds on as light begins to creep through the crack
Suggestions of simplicity in a world of complications are welcome
Rhythms catch my toes to tap
Sincerity goes a long way in retrospect of a person's day
Wrapped inside the safeness of arms
Love equals warmth
My heart is built of pleasure & pain and inside my brain I hate that some days it all seems the same
TRS 05'

"until I can find me, I'll be what I am" -crooked fingers