
In loving memory...

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,The rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of his hand.May God be with you and bless you:May you see your children's children.May you be poor in misfortune,Rich in blessings.May you know nothing but happinessFrom this day forward.May the road rise up to meet youMay the wind be always at your backMay the warm rays of sun fall upon your homeAnd may the hand of a friend always be near.May green be the grass you walk on,May blue be the skies above you,May pure be the joys that surround you,May true be the hearts that love you.

In loving memory of John C. Buck 1952-2005

You were a beautiful man, may you smile always and forever more, I love you so much- you will be greatly missed. You taught me so many things about life, love, and laughter... I shall not forget. I carry you in my heart. Thank you for everything you brought into the lives and hearts of those that knew you, your spirit will live on.


wednesday's 411

Here's some info on me, you may or may not know:
(Thanks 4 the idea Cyn!)

1. Things made with milk make me ill.
2. I am literally the mailman's kid and also the red-headed stepchild.
3. I hope I’m as fun, patient and imaginative as my mother was when I was a child, with my children.
4. I believe in superstitions and karma.
5. I have 5 tattoos- 2 I like, 3 I don’t really care for (hindsight is 20/20).
6. I am a klutz.
7. My family, friends and cats mean everything to me.
8. I used to be in choir (& pretty good), I sang a duet in my Jr. High talent show and won. I was then asked to sing at our 9th gr. graduation/ formal dance.
9. I have a really hard time talking with people who have “jacked” teeth, I just find myself staring.
10. The song “Do You Realize” by the Flaming Lips always gives me goose bumps.
11. I wish I knew how to play acoustic guitar.
12. I have noticeable scars on my arms and hands, but do not wish for them to disappear for they tell a story of who I once was.
13. I find M.C. Escher, Salvador Dali and Dr. Suess’s work inspiring.
14. I have 4 birthmarks (only one is obvious).
15. when i sleep i have to have my feet tucked under the covers cause i'm afraid that something will get them if they aren't... but i hate having the blankets tucked into the bed
16. My favorite smells: crisp air (fall), my grandma, bonfires, lilacs, Jericho and the ocean.
17. Ever since I was a child and every once in awhile now, I have a recurring dream that Captain Hook is chasing my through the field of my Jr. High, but he will never show me his hook.
18. I enjoy taking pictures of people (faces mainly) whether I know them or not, I also doodle. Secretly, I dream someone will notice my work and pay me to doodle and take pictures all day.
19. I don’t like breathing in enclosed/ tight spaces, I feel like I can’t get enough fresh oxygen and start to freak out (I've never understood people who can sleep with the blankets over their head).
20. When I think of my life, the phrase that sums it up is “chaos vs. simplicity.”


todays music & doodle

Iron & Wine- Woman King
Stephen Marley- Hey Baby
Mos Def- Umi Says
Razorlight- Golden Touch
A Perfect Circle- Imagine
Root City Band- Sleepwalk
A Tribe Called Quest- Award Tour
The Bens- Just Pretend
Blackalicious- Make You Feel That Way
Fiona Apple- Shadow Boxer
Alicia Keys- Harlem’s Nocturne
Citizen Cope- A Bullet And A Target
Ween- Buenas Tardes Amigo


on days like today... I doodle.
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Ode to the tenants of "apartment 106"

hehe... this goes out to deuce and joe.

oh, tenants of 106 you act like fools, but i cannot picture life without you. so many stories to hard to pick one... this picture will do for the imaginations of some.

can't wait till the next time we meet again, for the uncontrolable laughter never ends!


I'm still waiting...


gypsy- queen of the cat universe

I love my cat, Gypsy! She is more like a dog than anything else, she hogs the pillow at night (yes, she sleeps on my pillow) and is now extremely spoiled... thanks to Jericho- but I wouldn't change her personality for the world.


Sunday, Sunday.... oh sweet Sunday

Sundays were meant for relaxing, at least in my opinion. The week is filled structure and schedule enough that I enjoy the fact I try not to plan anything on Sundays. It feels good to wing-it, lay on the couch with Gypsy and watch a movie when its 92 degrees and wicked humid outside. Days like this last week make me really excited for fall.


the fridge list

The fridge list is a blank piece of paper placed on the fridge and when someone says a word (i.e. a made up word) or horribly mispronounces a word then said persons name and the word that they said are then placed on this list for all to see.

It’s rather entertaining and humiliating at the same time… especially if you swear the word your saying is actually a word. Example: last night some friends and I were at my house hanging out… some went to leave and we were talking about possibly going to play laser tag and I was like… “Yeah, I will totally vouge for laser tag!!!” all excited I’d been introduced to a new activity to do this winter with friends. Jangles, mister dictionary himself looks at me and goes… “What did you say?” so I repeated myself again and he says… “You mean you’ll vouch for laser tag, right?” and I go… “No, its vouge…” and he’s starts laughing. Long story shortened- I’ve been saying vouge for vouch my whole life and absolutely had no idea that I was wrong.

Now the question is… can you speak Teresa?


welcome to the beginning...